Explore what WFM has to offer, wherever you are in your life.

Peace and social justice

Our meeting actively responds to discrimination and violence in our community and the wider world. Recently, we have prepared meals for local LGBTQ asylum seekers, coordinated donations for Afghan refugees in Worcester, and are creating a plaque to acknowledge Nipmuc presence on the land where our meetinghouse stands.

Anyone who attends WFM is invited to share their concerns and leadings around social justice; sometimes, the meeting serves as a source of strength for the individual who is undertaking this work, while at other times we may be led to engage in collective action.

Care and counsel

Our meeting provides pastoral care to members and attenders through a group of seasoned Friends, who are available for confidential consultation about matters of spiritual concern. In this way, we support individuals in their joys and difficulties and offer guidance to those marking rites of passage from marriage to the end of life.

In addition to caring for individuals, we also aim to promote a rich spiritual experience for the meeting as a whole. This includes exploring ways to improve the quality of worship and maintaining a library of resources about Quaker faith and practice.


Our meeting joyfully welcomes families of all shapes and sizes. We offer free child care at our meetinghouse during Sunday worship, so that parents and caregivers can fully participate while their children are in a safe, nurturing environment. Age-appropriate religious education, known to Quakers as First Day School, can also be arranged upon request.


Worcester is a city of eight colleges and universities, and our meeting embraces its role in answering the distinctive spiritual needs of students. We welcome those looking to explore an accepting, progressive faith tradition, as well as those who grew up Quaker and want to reconnect with Friends. The activities of our student ministry are planned around the needs and interests of current participants.