We start from stillness
Worcester Friends Meeting is a welcoming, progressive faith community seeking to discern what the Spirit that lives in every human heart asks of us each and all. Our meeting is affiliated with the Society of Friends, or Quakers.
Find out when and where we meet for worship, including our current COVID-19 protocols.
What Members Say
“WFM has helped me through periods of joy and sorrow. When I was finally able to get pregnant after years of trying, I could share my excitement. When my firstborn died suddenly, Worcester Friends held me close. When my second son was diagnosed on the autism spectrum, Friends helped me cope, learn, and celebrate when he finished college. On 9/11, folks were at the meetinghouse making apple pies and were a comfort to each other. Hard times and good times alike are shared among Friends.”
— Karen, member since 1983
“For several years, I traveled around New England attending different Quaker meetings, delighted to find like-minded souls to worship and study with. At WFM, I felt a warm and welcoming atmosphere. WFM has the unique quality of being large enough to offer the social and spiritual diversity of other larger meetings, but also small enough to have that ‘pull up your chair around the hearth’ feeling about it. The meeting is also sincere about supporting everyone on their unique path to God.”
— Kathy, member since 2021
“WFM sustained my husband Jim and me through online worship during our last, long pandemic year in Florida. Since our move to Worcester in mid-2021, Friends' deep, mature faith and practice and their engagement with immigrant, LGBTQ+, Indigenous, and other communities have given us a renewed sense of home and family. It is a blessing to be with Friends whose work in the world arises from inward worship, not only from social conscience.”
— Mike, member since 2022
Our meeting is connected to the wider Quaker world, as part of Southeast Quarterly Meeting and New England Yearly Meeting.
Closer to home, we engage with other faith communities in our city through our active participation in Worcester Interfaith.